Dietary Tips For Your Bladder
While there is no particular “diet” that can cure bladder control there are some dietary suggestions that we believe can be helpful to your bladder. It is important that you do not decrease your intake of fluids without the advice of your physician. Highly concentrated, dark yellow urine is irritating to the bladder surface and may actually cause you to go to the bathroom more frequently. Bacteria is encouraged to grow when this happens, which may lead to infections resulting in incontinence.
There are some foods and beverages that are thought to contribute to bladder leakage. You may want to see if eliminating one or all of these items improves your bladder control. Sometimes it’s not a matter of eliminating but just using moderation with the following items:
alcoholic beverages
highly spiced foods
artificial sweeteners
tomato based products
caffeinated beverages
citrus and fruit juice
Low acid fruits: Kava (low acid instant)
For tea drinkers: Non-citrus herbal
Sun brewed tea
Vitamin C Substitute: Calcium carbonate co-buffered
with calcium ascorbate
Although water is always the best beverage choice, grape and apple juice are thirst quenchers and are not as irritating to the bladder. Cigarette smoking is also irritating to the bladder surface and is associated with bladder cancer. In addition, the coughing associated with smoking may lead to increased stress incontinence episodes. Obesity can also contribute to incontinence.