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Men’s Pelvic Health

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It’s important, too!

Pelvic Health is a vulnerable subject for both men and women, whether you are talking about it, dealing with it on your own, or getting treated. We have noticed that men tend to feel more vulnerable then women in this area! Men’s pelvic health has a history of being overlooked, but it is far past time for that to stop. Your pelvic floor supports so many of your organs, and is vital in keeping your body healthy! 


What is your Pelvic Floor, anyways?

Your pelvic floor is a big group of muscles, ligaments, connective tissues, and nerves that are all working together to provide stable support and help your organs (especially pelvic organs) function. If your pelvic floor is out of alignment or injured, it causes a chain reaction of pain and issues that will continue to grow worse if untreated. Like all muscles in your body, your pelvic floor muscles need to be exercised in correct form to prevent injury. Weak pelvic floor muscles leave you prone to injury and dysfunction!


What are some symptoms?

One reasons men’s health can be overlooked is because sometimes symptoms are mistaken for being normal. If you experience any of the following symptoms, we can help! You don’t have to go another day just dealing with it.

  1. Pelvic Pain
  2. Painful bowel movement
  3. Painful, urgent, or frequent urination
  4. Anxiety about intercourse
  5. Sharp, stabbing cramps 
  6. Lower back pain
  7. Leakage
  8. Constipation

What are some conditions connected to these symptoms?

If one or more of those symptoms applies to you, take a look at what conditions/injuries they are related to:

  1. Erectile Dysfunction
  2. Chronic Prostatitis 
  3. Testicular Pain Syndrome 
  4. Penile Pain Syndrome
  5. Post-Prostatectomy incontinence
  6. Nocturia (frequent urination at night)
  7. Constipation

You’re not alone!

Pelvic Floor dysfunction is common, and very treatable! Whether you have been dealing with it for months or days, it is extremely difficult on your own. His Therapy understands what a sensitive subject this is, and we’re here for you. Our pelvic floor specialist, Sabina, has over 22 years of experience! She knows every body is unique, and will treat it as such. One third of Sabina’s patients are men, and they are proof that you will see results and improvement in 3 sessions or LESS!


What will treatment be like for me?

First of all, Sabina will only ever do what you are comfortable with! In your first appointment, she will sit down with you and get to know your history, symptoms, and what you’re nervous about! Sabina will take your symptoms and history, and evaluate you based off of that. She will then create a treatment plan that is completely personalized to YOU. And remember, she doesn’t just treat your symptoms, she will find the root of the symptoms and treat that – which will get rid of your symptoms and underlying issues! Here are some of the methods she will integrate into her treatment plans:

  1. Biofeedback

  2. Manual Therapy (hands on)

  3. Myofascial Release

  4. Dry Needling

  5. Exercises to stabilize


Fun Facts about Physical Therapy

Did you know?

Reasons & Facts that may relate to you!

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Physical Therapy can change your life!

Whether you are young or old, man or woman, injured or not, physical therapy can be used to treat, prevent, and strengthen! Here are some facts about Physical Therapy that may relate to you!

1.Physical therapy can instantly relieve pain.
-Physical therapy uses several modalities in treating patients.
-Cold packs are used to treat painful areas.
-Cold temperature applied over the area causes vasoconstriction of the blood vessels which decreases the inflammation and eventually the swelling and pain.

2.Physical therapy is an effective alternative for surgery.
-Degenerative disk, ruptured cartilage (Meniscal tear) and osteoarthritis are just a few conditions that may require surgery as treatment.
-Surgical procedures done on these conditions require long period of recovery.
-Physical therapy is an alternative to opt out surgery without having the side effects from surgery and prescription drugs.

3.Physical Therapy can induce relaxation.
-Manual therapy is a type of physical therapy which makes of the hands to treat a certain condition.
-This is done by applying right pressure to soft tissues.
-This technique improves blood circulation, lessens contractility and eventually relaxes the tensed muscles.

4.Physical Therapy uses electric current for treatment.
-Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation is a non invasive modality used in physical therapy in the treatment of pain related to a certain condition.
-The goal of electrical stimulation has several purposes like post knee surgery to relieve the pain secondary to the surgical procedure and post stroke complications like muscle contractures and pain.
-The procedure is done by using electric current passing through an electrodes placed over the patient’s skin on the area where the pain is felt.

5.Physical Therapy is beneficial to elderly to prevent fall.
-Most reported cases of injuries among elderly are hip fracture secondary to fall.
-Elderly are high risk from falling due to decrease in muscle strength of the lower limbs.
-Physical therapy can aid to improve their balance and muscles through strengthening activities, reducing the risk of fall.

6.Physical Therapy plays an essential role in the treatment of some pathologic condition.
-Pathologic conditions like sports injuries, muscular and neurological illness can be addressed through physical therapy.
-Through collaborative effort of the patient and the therapist, restoration of movement and functioning can be achieved.

7.Physical Therapy strengthens your heart and lungs.
-Biking, running, jogging, brisk walking and simply walking are types of endurance exercise.
-These activities increase one’s heart rate and respiratory rate.
-Engaging in this kind of activity in a regular basis will improve the health of the lungs and heart thus preventing related medical condition such as heart disease, obstructive pulmonary diseases and more.

 8.Physical Therapy plays an important role on care of cancer patients.
-Cancer treatment has a lot of side effects.
-Fatigue is the most common one due to an abnormal blood count.
-An individualized physical therapy intervention’s main goal is to teach the patient on proper activity pacing and conserving energy.

9.Physical Therapy can be helpful to children too.
-Physical therapy is not only focused on adult and elderly patients’ rehabilitation.
-Childhood health conditions can benefit from physical therapy too.
-A common condition that requires therapy seen on most children is cerebral palsy,  a physical disability which is a result of abnormal development of the growing fetus’ brain (motor center) during pregnancy.
-The problems in this condition involves the motor functioning of the child like muscle stiffness, weakness and coordination.
-Therapy plan is formulated according to the child’s physical and developmental needs.

Information for this list was found through

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How Can Alkaline Water Affect Bladder Health?

Alkaline refers to the pH level of the water. The pH level measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is on a scale of 0-14. For example, lemon juice (pH 2) and vinegar (pH 3) are both very acidic, while baking soda (8-9 pH) and milk of magnesia (10-11 pH) are both very alkaline. At pH 8-9, alkaline water has a higher pH than regular drinking water, which is around 7. Alkaline water can have benefits such as:

  • Weight Loss
  • Better Hydration
  • Increased Athletic Performance
  • Increased Energy
  • Improved Clarity
  • Boosted Immune System
  • Promoted Healing and Longevity

There have been many studies that have found that alkaline water can be extremely effective in decreasing acid reflux by inactivating the enzyme pepsin. Alkaline water can also reduce the blood viscosity, allowing the blood to flow through the body with more ease after an intense workout.

Drinking more water, especially alkaline water, can help people who struggle with urinary incontinence. One source states,

“Drinking more water may actually help and does not exasperate the problem. Your body must have water to function properly and drinking less of it can irritate the bladder and increase urination frequency. Water is pure and your body uses it to flush out excess amounts of acid and bacteria. Sipping water all day long is a good habit that you can try to help your incontinence to improve.”

Alkaline water can also accelerate the excretion of melamine, preventing the accumulation in the bladder that can cause stones. Low urine pH can indicate metabolic syndrome, manifesting in symptoms such as kidney stones, high cholesterol, unstable and high blood sugar, unstable and high blood pressure, weight problems, and more. Drinking alkaline water can keep you hydrated, increase the pH of your urine, and keep infection-causing bacteria low.

According to the National Association for Continence:

  • An estimated 12.2 million adults have urge incontinence
  • An estimated 17 million adults in the US have daily Urinary Incontinence, and a further 33 million also have the overlapping condition, Overactive Bladder
  • Approximately 1 out of 3 women over the age of 45, and 1 out of every 2 women over 65, have stress urinary incontinence, affecting 15 million women
  • OAB and UI are about twice as frequently occurring in women as in men.

At His Therapy Wellness Center, we want to help anyone suffering from urinary and bowel urgency and incontinence, and any other pelvic health issues. Please let us know how we can help improve your health concerns by giving us a call at 864-534-1780, emailing us at , or visiting resources on our website We hope you have a blessed day!


Remove! Repair! Restore! Replace!

Spring cleaning is important for our homes and families. It can greatly reduce stress, anxiety and even be relaxing to enjoy a clean home. The effort is always worth the end result!

It may also be a good time to think about your gut health. Cleansing your gut can greatly reduce your risks for indigestion, inflammation, discomfort,  pelvic pain, and disease. 

A good diet, Pelvic Floor therapy along with a skilled colonic massage will increase blood flow to organs, muscles and tissues within the body. Research indicates a healthy colon can have major positive effects on your mood, memory, and your immune system. 

Is it time for you to remove, repair, restore and replace not only what is around your home but also what is in your gut? Ask about our gut  cleansing therapy!

Are you Getting enough Fiber?

Did you know that most women only consume 13 grams of fiber a day?
Ideal daily fiber intake for women is 35-45 grams per day and for men it’s 40-50 grams per day. 

Work Up Slowly-
It’s important to increase your fiber intake slowly. (By about 5 grams per day)
Increasing too quickly can cause gas, bloating and even constipation. 

Benefits to fiber- 
Reduces Cortisol (the main stress hormone) 
Stabilizes Insulin and Blood Sugar
Lowers Bad Estrogens
Helps with Detoxification and Weight Loss

The Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage was founded by Dr. Emil Vodder in 1932, a massage therapist in Denmark, who utilized gentle, rhythmic techniques to encourage the flow of the lymphatic system when he realized his clients were suffering from swollen lymph nodes and colds from the dampness of their homeland. The colds of his patients vanished. Thus supported by his successes, he developed MLD.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a very specific treatment therapy that is designed to increase the movement of lymph and interstitial fluid. The basic hand techniques adapted in MLD follow the anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system, and are very specific along the “pathways” the lymph follow.

Conditions Manual Lymphatic Drainage may help include:
edema (post-surgical, pregnancy-induced, injury-related)
chronic fatigue syndrome
rheumatoid arthritis 
complex regional pain syndrome
migraines and sinus headaches
fibrocystic breast disease
lyme disease
traumatic brain injures
multiple sclerosis

It is theorized since the lymphatic system does possess immunological functions, promoting lymph formation and encouraging lymphatic drainage likely has a benefit on overall immunity. Though detoxification and enhanced immunity are not proven results of the application of MLD, MLD is frequently utilized and promoted as such. 

Being the application of strokes in MLD is so gentle and noninvasive, it is one of the best and most accepted forms of manual therapy for those that are adverse to touch, or those that are normally in too much pain to receive it.

If you are interested in how Manual Lymphatic Drainage could benefit you, call or text our certified manual lymphatic drainage therapist, Kelly Madeira, LMBT (Lic. #11269), CMLDT, at (864)-593-0905, for more information.

5 Main Benefits of Sitting on an Exercise Ball

Why should you switch from an office chair to sitting on an exercise ball, you ask?  We’ll tell you why.
It relieves low back pain.
As the office manager of His Therapy, I can genuinely say I was starting to get low back pain from sitting in an office chair for 6+ hours each day.  This was when I grabbed one of our exercise balls, and I will never go back! 
     2.  It tones core muscles.
With an exercise ball, you are no longer relying on the back of a chair to keep you propped up.  Instead, you must engage your core to maintain balance (this will happen subconsciously), which will lead to an increase in overall core strength! 
     3.  It burns extra calories.
How can you not bounce up and down when you sit on an exercise ball?  It’s the only exercise in the office you can do while you take phone calls, send emails, and do all your online marketing!  Even as I’m typing up this blog post, I’m bouncing!
     4.  It’s CHEAPER!
The best size ball for your office is anywhere from 68-75 cm. and can be found on Amazon for only $16.99!
     5.  It is AWESOME for your pelvic floor health.

Ask our His Therapy staff to order your exercise ball the next time you come in; it will be shipped to us in the next two business days and will be ready and waiting at our office for you when you return for your follow-up treatment! 🙂

Develop Your Gift

….daily devotional by Joyce Meyer
We can’t wait to share with you where God is leading His Therapy.
Stay tuned for our new beginnings Dec. 1st!

If we don’t develop our potential it won’t get developed, because no one else can do it for us.  Find out what you want to do and begin to train yourself for it.  If you know you can write great songs, develop your gift; arrange your life so you can write songs.  If you know you can lead worship, then practice, learn music, sing with all your mind and heart, and believe.  Begin leading worship, even if you start with only you and the cat or you and your children.  If you know you have a talent for business, an ability to make money, then study, pray, go to school and STEP OUT!

Whatever your gift and calling, entrust it to the Lord and be relentless in pursuit of reaching your full potential.  In some way we should improve ourselves every day.  We should go forward, letting go of what lies behind, including past mistakes and past victories.  Even hanging on to the glory of past victories can prevent us from being all God wants us to be in the future.  Never be satisfied with being anything less than all you can be.  

Prayer:  Lord I recognize that I am responsible to develop and use the talents You have
placed within me.  Give me wisdom on the best way to go about it.  Amen!

Pelvic Floor Fitness Workshop

Join Sabina Weaver, MSPT, as she helps you understand more about your pelvic floor!

DATE:Thursday, November 29th
TIME: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
COST:  $5 per person
LOCATION:  Fitness with a View, 1095 Hartness Drive, Greenville, SC  29615
RSVP:  REQUIRED to, 864-420-3371

Hosted by Fitness with a View!

How Can a detox Improve My Life?

Are you beginning your new years resolutions or trying to figure out what resolution would be best for you? Do you want to become happier? Healthier? Full of energy? Why not try a detox!
What is a detox?
A detox is a process that helps rid the body of waste, toxins, and unhealthy substances that have built up in our system over many years. Many times detoxing your body will help you learn what your body likes, dislikes, and create rewarding habits so you can lead a happier, healthier lifestyle. Now you may be wondering what are some of the benefits of detoxing the body. 
Weight loss and management 
More energy 
Better immune system 
Improved bowel and bladder 
Improved thinking
Clearer skin 
Signs your body is telling you to detox
Digestive distress
You have allergies all the time 
Although eating clean, you don’t feel healthy  
Skin problems 
You’re always tired 
Constantly stressed 
You struggle losing weight 
You’re sleep patterns are off

One way to make sure you reach your goals is to keep a detailed diary of your food and bathroom habits. If you’re like me, I can hardly remember what I ate last night for dinner, let alone all my bathroom habits. This will help you and your clinician view your habits and make a plan best fit for you. So for your new years resolution, start a detox today and give your body the love it deserves.