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Fun Facts about Physical Therapy

Did you know?

Reasons & Facts that may relate to you!

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Physical Therapy can change your life!

Whether you are young or old, man or woman, injured or not, physical therapy can be used to treat, prevent, and strengthen! Here are some facts about Physical Therapy that may relate to you!

1.Physical therapy can instantly relieve pain.
-Physical therapy uses several modalities in treating patients.
-Cold packs are used to treat painful areas.
-Cold temperature applied over the area causes vasoconstriction of the blood vessels which decreases the inflammation and eventually the swelling and pain.

2.Physical therapy is an effective alternative for surgery.
-Degenerative disk, ruptured cartilage (Meniscal tear) and osteoarthritis are just a few conditions that may require surgery as treatment.
-Surgical procedures done on these conditions require long period of recovery.
-Physical therapy is an alternative to opt out surgery without having the side effects from surgery and prescription drugs.

3.Physical Therapy can induce relaxation.
-Manual therapy is a type of physical therapy which makes of the hands to treat a certain condition.
-This is done by applying right pressure to soft tissues.
-This technique improves blood circulation, lessens contractility and eventually relaxes the tensed muscles.

4.Physical Therapy uses electric current for treatment.
-Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation is a non invasive modality used in physical therapy in the treatment of pain related to a certain condition.
-The goal of electrical stimulation has several purposes like post knee surgery to relieve the pain secondary to the surgical procedure and post stroke complications like muscle contractures and pain.
-The procedure is done by using electric current passing through an electrodes placed over the patient’s skin on the area where the pain is felt.

5.Physical Therapy is beneficial to elderly to prevent fall.
-Most reported cases of injuries among elderly are hip fracture secondary to fall.
-Elderly are high risk from falling due to decrease in muscle strength of the lower limbs.
-Physical therapy can aid to improve their balance and muscles through strengthening activities, reducing the risk of fall.

6.Physical Therapy plays an essential role in the treatment of some pathologic condition.
-Pathologic conditions like sports injuries, muscular and neurological illness can be addressed through physical therapy.
-Through collaborative effort of the patient and the therapist, restoration of movement and functioning can be achieved.

7.Physical Therapy strengthens your heart and lungs.
-Biking, running, jogging, brisk walking and simply walking are types of endurance exercise.
-These activities increase one’s heart rate and respiratory rate.
-Engaging in this kind of activity in a regular basis will improve the health of the lungs and heart thus preventing related medical condition such as heart disease, obstructive pulmonary diseases and more.

 8.Physical Therapy plays an important role on care of cancer patients.
-Cancer treatment has a lot of side effects.
-Fatigue is the most common one due to an abnormal blood count.
-An individualized physical therapy intervention’s main goal is to teach the patient on proper activity pacing and conserving energy.

9.Physical Therapy can be helpful to children too.
-Physical therapy is not only focused on adult and elderly patients’ rehabilitation.
-Childhood health conditions can benefit from physical therapy too.
-A common condition that requires therapy seen on most children is cerebral palsy,  a physical disability which is a result of abnormal development of the growing fetus’ brain (motor center) during pregnancy.
-The problems in this condition involves the motor functioning of the child like muscle stiffness, weakness and coordination.
-Therapy plan is formulated according to the child’s physical and developmental needs.

Information for this list was found through

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Pain Cycle

Women, men and children suffer from chronic pelvic pain. It can become something that totally takes over someone’s life and sometimes can lead to further depression, isolation and dysfunction in everyday life.
Chronic pelvic pain is something that I have seen in most of my practice and it is hard breaking how it has affected my patient’s lives. Pelvic floor therapy is an option for treatment and should be considered. Learning how pain affects the muscles is so crucial in the entire rehabilitation process and therapy is a very important part of this education. 

Call today for more information 864-534-1780.

Pelvic Floor Pain Support Group

When you are dealing with chronic pain, it is important to have a good support network. Studies show there was a direct, significant association between social support and pain. Even the most supportive family and friends can’t truly understand what you are going through, and you may feel all alone. His Therapy is offering a FREE pelvic floor pain support group meeting the last Monday of every month. Sabina Weaver, a licensed PT specializing in pelvic floor rehab will facilitate these sessions. With almost 20 years of experience in her field, she will be able to explain the science behind pelvic floor pain, provide tangible tools on helping you manage the pain, as well as compassionately offer emotional support. You will be amazed at how many people suffer from the same pain and related challenges as you do, and how refreshing it is to meet others in such similar situations. The group will meet at His Therapy from 6 to 8 every last Monday of each month. Join us for the first session on Monday Oct 30th.

Symptoms and Causes of Pelvic Floor Pain

In the US, approximately 15 percent of women report chronic pelvic pain. However, it is not a subject we feel comfortable talking about publicly, so often it can go undiagnosed and untreated. Chronic pelvic pain is pain in the area below your belly button and between your hips that lasts six months or longer. This can be severe and steady pain, intermittent pain, or pressure and cramping within your pelvis. Other symptoms may include pain during intercourse, pain while having a bowel movement or urinating, or pain when sitting for extended periods of time. Chronic pain can make it difficult to sleep, work, or enjoy life. It can also lead to depression and anxiety. Pelvic pain may stem from the musculoskeletal system, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, gynecological, or even psychological factors, so it is important to get evaluated to see what is causing your pain. Pelvic floor physical therapy is a huge component in the treatment of pelvic pain. During treatment, our specialized PT will address the muscular component of pain- teaching you to relax the muscles of the pelvic floor, may provide manual therapy of the pelvic floor muscles, as well perform myofascial release of painful trigger points of pelvic floor when necessary. There are several modalities that can assist in rehabilitation- biofeedback, electrical stimulation, and dilators, to name a few. Also during your visit, your PT will address the behavioral component of your pain- what you eat and drink, as well as bathroom and sleep habits. If you would also like emotional support, His Therapy offers a monthly women’s support group for chronic pelvic pain. Call our office today for more information and to reserve your spot. 864-534-1780.

Dry Needling for “Trigger Points” aka Myofascial Pain

Trigger points are irritable, hard “knots” within a muscle that may cause pain over a large area, leading to difficulty performing everyday tasks. When a person has painful muscles and trigger points, it is sometimes called myofascial pain syndrome.
Myofascial trigger points are a common type of pain. The word myofascial means muscle tissue and the connective tissue in and around it. These trigger points are usually the result of a muscle injury, resulting from repetitive strain. They are painful when pressed on and can create pain in another area as well, which is called referred pain.
Dry needling is a treatment that involves a very thin needle being pushed through the skin to stimulate a trigger point. Dry needling releases the tight muscle bands associated with trigger points and leads to decreased pain, improved function, and speeds up the recovery process.
Dry Needling is becoming a popular modality in medical practices, as musculoskeletal complaints are one of the most reported reasons to seek medical attention. Because contractures and trigger points are invisible to X-rays, MRI, CT’s, a Dry Needling Therapist can “feel” with the needle and utilize it as a diagnostic instrument. Contractures deep in the muscles can be felt with the needle via feedback on the quality of the tissues that it is penetrating.

Don’t Let Another Month Go by in 2016 Feel Better with Less Pain and More Control of Your Life

Feel Better with less pain and More control
Let 2016 be a new year for you!
At His Therapy we have physical therapists who specialize in pelvic health and wellness. Using Biofeedback and other manual treatment, we can assist with pelvic floor relaxation and strengthening to help gain bladder and bowel control and pain. We also have dry needling services, myofascial release and deep soft tissue massages to help with chronic or acute muscle and joint pain. Our services are affordable and are open flexible hours.  Free babysitting is available for our clients. Check out our website and blog for more information.

Our Mission is to help people and give God all the Glory!
Philippians 4:13 
“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” 
Luke 1:37 
“For with God Nothing Shall be Impossible.”

His Therapy3921 South Highway 14 Suite A
Greenville, SC 29615

Can Diet and Lack of Rest Cause Pelvic Pain

YES your diet and lack of rest can cause your pelvic pain!

Found a great website with a lot of great information. Tracy Sher is an amazing PT and has a ton of information about pelvic floor health. She has an article about nutrition and how what we eat will effect your pain. Please take a look at it.

Three things she mentions in this blog I totally agree with: 

“Consider an elimination diet to see if you are sensitive to or allergic to any of the most common food allergens.”                            I have my patient’s go through a 1 to 2 week detox period to try to find out what they may be sensitive to which is similar to what she describes on this blog. We all have certain foods and drinks that we are sensitive to and the only way we can truly know what these are is by getting rid of possible irritants then slowly bringing them back into our diet to see how we react to them.
“Once you figure out if you are sensitive to any foods, then you can eliminate them from your diet and begin to heal your digestive system.  Your digestive system is key to your overall health.”                                       Very true! I also believe this to be true. Probiotics and natural foods and herbs are very important to put into our diets. I am from India and growing with a very traditional Indian diet I realize how those herbs and ingredients were and are so important. For example garlic, turmeric, onions, flax seeds, chia seeds, and cloves were used in almost all the meals. These ingredients plus many more are essential for our bodies to decrease the toxins and help with healing. Normal American diets just do not have these ingredients and more processed the meals are in this country the more unhealthy they are for us.
“Heal your hormone system.”                               In this step she discusses how sleeping and naturally healing our hormone imbalances is so important. She recommends going to sleep at 10pm and getting adequate rest every night is crucial for us to help no only digest our foods but heal our bodies. I do so agree with this as well. SLEEP and REST are so important for all of us. It can and will reduce pelvic pain!

Thank you Tracy for your information!

If you have any questions or comments on this blog, please feel free to contact me at or to 864-534-1780.

Tips for Hip, Pelvic, and Low Back Pain

Avoid activities/position that strain the joints of the pelvis and lower back: crossing legs, climbing stairs, standing with weight on one leg, cross-trainer machine, stair stepper or stair climber on machines, bicycling, sitting in asymmetrical positions.
Use the best sleeping position: lying on your left side with a pillow support under head and neck and between knees.
Use good lifting techniques: Don’t Bend forward through the waist to pick up anything, but rather squat down (even for a paperclip or pacifier!). Get the weight of the object close to yours body before standing. Don’t hold your breath when lifting items; exhale as you lift. Avoid twisting to reach for or pick up items from any height.
For standing activities, such as washing dishes, cooking, ironing, brushing teeth, changing diapers: Keep a small footstool near common work areas. Keep one foot on the stool while performing the activity; interchange with the other foot every 5 – 10 minutes. In the kitchen or bathroom, open a cabinet door and rest your foot on the cabinet shelf.
Getting in and out of the car. In: Place all items in the passenger or back seat BEFORE getting into the driver’s seat. After opening the Driver’s side door, turn to face away from the seat. Sit down scoot back into the seat (still facing sideways). Now bring one leg at a time into the car.    For getting out of the car: Bring one leg at a time out of the car. Turn your body to face toward the door. Scoot to the edge of the seat before standing. Retrieve items from the passenger seat or back seats AFTER getting out of the car. 
Avoid prolonged positions. If you sit all day at work, take a brief standing or walking break every 15-30 minutes. If you stand all day or during cooking, etc., take a sitting break (preferably with feet propped up) every 15-30 minutes; pump your ankles during this break to improve blood flow and reduce swelling.
Use a cold or ice pack on “flared up” areas for 10 to 20 minutes.
Perform Stabilization exercises 2x in the morning and 2x at night. 

Fads and Fixes for Pain

Hot Stone Massage 
Hot stone massages are a huge thing for people trying to ease tension in the muscles and promote relaxation. These stones are usually made of basalt or volcanic rock because they hold in heat. The stones are usually heated between 130 and 145 degrees and used with Swedish massage techniques. While there can be benefits to hot stones massages like increased blood circulation, there can also be negative side effects. Some side effects can be nausea, fatigue, flared medical conditions, headaches, and more. 

Dry Needling 
Many people believe that dry needling is the same as acupuncture, but that is not the case. Looking at dry needling and acupuncture you may assume they are the same. Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and focuses on Chinese traditions of opening up a person’s energy flow or chi. Dry needling has only been around the last couple decades and focuses on specific trigger points or muscles that are irritated in the body. The small, stainless steel needles are places in those specific trigger points or knots in order to relieve pain and promote movement. 

Fads and Fixes with Pain

When the body is in pain, many people jump to the conclusion that they need to become stronger and strengthen their bodies to fight that pain, but strength is not necessarily the first thing to focus on. 

In order to help prevent and reduce pain whether its muscular or something else, people have to learn to increase their flexibility, relax or meditate, use essential oils/vitamins, and eat healthier. All of these things help promote normal body functions and overall reduce pain. Yoga and Palates are big things that contribute to both strength and flexibility.