The Difference Between Dry Needling and Acupuncture
Many of you have had questions about what the real difference is between dry needling and acupuncture. I’d like to bring some clarity to that question today. The one common ground between dry needling and acupuncture is the use of thin needles to puncture the skin for therapeutic purposes. The goals, however, are very different.
Dry needling, a more recently discovered therapeutic practice, aims to deactivate trigger points and “loosen” shortened muscles. Its primary goal is to relieve pain and cramped muscles.
Acupuncture, a treatment used for hundreds, possibly a thousand years, is based on eastern medical diagnosis, and aims to affect the nervous system and release endorphins. Its primary goal is to stimulate nerves which can lead to the relief of multiple medical conditions, such as depression, nausea, knee pain, and menstrual cramping.
Both have been seen to be beneficial for pain management! Call today to schedule your dry needling appointment with Sabina Weaver at 864-534-1780.