Pelvic Floor Therapy and Prostate Cancer
Men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer or have other medical problems related to their prostate may have some symptoms that a pelvic floor therapists can help them with. Many men suffer from urinary incontinence, urgency and retention issues and many more things that affect their way of life and every day function. Both pre and post therapy is very beneficial to these patients. Treatment may include:
1) Education on the anatomy of the pelvic floor and physiology of micturition process
2) Bladder retraining including assisting patients with proper bladder voiding schedules and avoiding bladder irritants
3) Education on proper posture and body mechanics
4) Manual cueing and biofeedback training on proper pelvic floor contractions
5) Biofeedback for pelvic floor training
6) Core stabilization exercises
Outcomes are fantastic! Patients gain the control they need of their bladder. Many men decrease the amount of pads they have to use secondary to leakage, wake up less at night to void, have less urgency and overall feel better with a more active daily lifestyle!
Please call His Therapy for more information. 864-534-1780 or visit our website for more information